Mz. Whitney


I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the passing of a music icon, Ms. Whitney Houston.  I am not going to spout statistics or talk about how many albums she sold.  We all know she had a beautiful voice.  What surprised me was how much her death affected me.  I said it when they got married “someone will change to be like the other, let’s just pray that Bobby changes to be like her.”  Well we all see that, that didn’t happen.

As I said Whitney’s death really affected me; I was actually surprised at how much.  I have been thinking about this and trying to pinpoint “why” the death of someone I didn’t even know has touched me so.  She was very young, in fact only 2 years older than myself.  I didn’t think that’s what it was.  I prayed for her throughout the years that she would get clean and come back to her senses.  Well she finally did and got a divorce so my hopes were high for her; I thought “that’s not it either.”  So that leaves me with the music…yes, the music.  Her music is woven like a golden thread throughout the last 25 years of my life.  Her music played like a soundtrack to major events in my life; my wild oats days, my divorce, the birth of my children, graduations, and deaths in my own family.  It’s amazing the effect music has on the mind and body; it can calm, it can excite, it can create suspense.  Think about a movie; would it be as exciting or suspenseful without a soundtrack?  When you think back what songs played to the important moments in your life?

This brings me to the statement above about Bobby and Whitney’s marriage…  The bible says that when we get married, we should be equally yoked.  A lot of Christians take this to mean that a Christian shouldn’t marry someone that is not saved or someone from another faith, well this also applies to other things.  You can’t have to polar opposites in a marriage and expect success.  If you really want your marriage to work you can’t have a partier married to a non-partier, a workaholic married to someone who values quality family time, a religious person married to a non-religious person, etc.  Someone will make compromises for the sake of the other person.  Eventually their choices have become your choices and you’ll find yourself in the same boat you were trying to get out of.  Now it is possible for the person that isn’t making good choices to change and become like the responsible party in the relationship but it happens less often than the responsible party becoming irresponsible.  Let’s face it, it’s easier to be irresponsible and in some cases more fun.

Dinner With Friends


Okay, so remember how I said that I don’t have a censor button?  Well my husband I went to dinner with friends last night to our usual spot, Red Lobster.  It’s really cool the way they (our friends) do this; once a month the wife’s mother will have all the grandchildren stay with her for the weekend so the parents can have a break.  Great! Right?  Anyway back to the story; our usual waitress only had a 2 seater section and we needed a 4 seater so we just sat where ever.  We are very picky about our waitresses because we tip well and want good service.  Well we got set with this guy who has waited on us before so I was like “Whew! He gives good service so I can relax.” Before we can even get started my husband’s drink has glass in it (I know that wasn’t the waiters fault).  The glass the bar used to make the drink had used a cracked glass.

Well I had already ordered a drink which tasted like it didn’t have any alcohol in it so I wasn’t too happy about that; he comes over and proceeds to take our order without a note pad.  Now there are four of us with pretty specific ways that we like our food because we go there so frequently.  We commented on how we would definitely need a pad because that was just too much to remember.  He brings my drink and I am doing Weight Watchers so every point counts and I don’t believe in using my points for drinks unless there is some alcohol involved.  I had ordered an unsweetened tea and it was the only drink ordered so I figure “How can you get that wrong?  Right?”  I take a big swig and it was sweet tea!  I was inwardly pissed!  I had just swallowed about a point’s worth of sweet tea and it was SOOOOOO good!  So that’s one mistake (yeah, I sent it back for the unsweet tea but I sure didn’t want to).  He brings out the salads, wrong!  He brings out the dinners, one of which is wrong!  I knew it was kind of busy but dang!

So he comes over and clears a couple of plates and says “Is there anything I can do for you?”  I don’t know where it came from, I didn’t even get a chance to think about it before IT came out of my mouth.  I said….”You could do your job better.”  Everybody at the table froze, big eyed.  Brandy said “Karen!”  Now anyone that knows Brandy would be shocked that she was shocked, she is more verbal than I am!  I said”What!?!  He asked us if he could do anything and he knows he has been messing up all night and he has waited on us previously so he knows that we are extremely good tippers.”

Well they fussed at me after he left the table so I sort of apologized if I embarrassed him or hurt his feelings.  He said “No ,I knew I was messing up, you were totally right.”  Needless to say we left him an even nicer tip than usual for less than the great service we normally receive.

My question is, was I wrong?  Everyone else was thinking the same thing, I was just the one to say it.  I do believe in speaking the truth but I don’t want to hurt people if I can say things in a nicer way.  A nicer truth…

Shout out to Red Lobster!  They had our back with the glass issue, no hard feelings, we’ll be back.

Welcome to Assorted Nutz – A Blog About Everything


Okay so I decided to start a blog.  I have thought long and hard about what I should blog about.  I love to help people so that’s what I thought I should blog about.  Whether it’s donating to charities, helping families, helping marriages, job advice, beauty advice…the list goes on.  I know you’re thinking “You can’t have a blog without a clear direction.”  Well I beg to differ.  It’s my blog and I’ll write what I want too, write what I want too …sorry I was having a moment.  This is going to be a work in progress while I figure out the format.  I want you guys to ask questions, ask for advice, vent, whatever.  Well almost whatever, no profanity please.  I will take bleeps, and *&#)!@

I hope we get to know each other.  AND remember I keep it real, if you ask for advice that’s what you’ll get.  I don’t sugarcoat!

Tell me what you want to hear about!